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Party Wall Act - Electronic Communications

Electronic Communications – The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (Electronic Communications) Order 2016 amends Section 15 and allows with the permission of the individual owners the serving of documents by electronic means. This will reduce the cost to the Building Owner and should be encouraged. Add the following to all Letters of appointment, “I am content for the electronic transmission of notices and documents under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996”. 

Surely it is becoming more and more unreasonable for owners not to use electronic communications and totally absurd and bullying for a surveyor.  In Knight v Goulandris [2018] EWCA Civ 237, the Court of Appeal held that the list of methods by which service may be effected in section 15 of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (PWA 1996) was permissive rather than exhaustive, so other methods of service were acceptable – however in may be sensible, to keep the peace, just to print off a couple of notices to an obstructive or bullying surveyor.

Agreed Party Wall Surveyor serving Thanet

Party Wall Third Surveyor serving England and Wales

Bruce Spenser MSc LCGI